I was inducted into the National Honor Society today. The whole thing was a little long like three hours but it was nice and the food was really good. chicken parmesan is my favorite food ever. I am kind of excited to be a part of the society and do stuff to give back I think it will kind of fun and something new to do. My grandparents went which was nice since I don't get to see them as much anymore. So that was all I did today now I have to do homework which I am still procrastinating. I have math but its only like six problems, then I have to fix my english paper which shouldn't take long, the hardest thing will be chemistry I have like a bazillion book problems to do but luckily they are due tuesday but I will probably end up doing them all tomorrow after my lacrosse game. Speaking of which another day of dressing up what am I going to wear? maybe I will steal another one of Aliisa's dresses or maybe I need to do some digging in my closet.
hello beautiful :)
Hate Lady Gaga soo much but this is going to come in handy with my english writing I did about her and what her outfits say about her.

For Blue Skies- Strays Don't Sleep
Wasted- Cartel
You Make My Dreams Come True- Hall and Oates
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