I had my first day of physical therapy today. It wasn't too bad at all, I have two more this week and three next week. It's going to be a long six months but it is worth it. Every time I see someone tunning I wish I could run, and I'm tired of having to ask people to get me things, because they get tired of it so then I'll just sit there and be bored to death cause I don't want to bother them. Sometimes they make a big deal about it but trust me I really wish I could just get up and dig through the pantry myself. But anyways my physical therapist is pretty nice and he says I should be walking without crutches by the end of the week :) Tomorrow will actually be more painful, the dentist. haha I'm not a fan of that place at least with braces they can't do that much, I hate those sharp instruments they scrape your teeth with, those things make me shudder. So yeah nothing else really happened just the physical therapist. I watched the Bachelorette, which went along with the prediction I got offline, I feel bad for all those guys, they give her their heart and bring her to meet their families and she doesn't pick any, and she sits their and tells them how much she loves their sons, it's baloney. I am going to feel super bad for Chris, he seems like such a nice guy, new bachelor? maybe.... I think he'd be a good one. I also got AP magazine!! Finally, haha, it had Automatic Loveletter in it, I was listening to them before they finally got their act together, she was in my myspace craze a little while back, their might of been some others but I can't remember. Oh one last thing, I got another college coach email today, I think my number is up to five now. My mom keeps saying I'm never going to be able to decide but I think give it a few more months and I will have a pretty good idea, I hope....
haha, I think I might make a list like this just for fun.
ohhh my little rascals, weren't those the days.
I have yet to have a boy hold my hand, maybe cause I skipped the middle school relationship thing, those were just dumb, and high school boys haven't proven to be any better.

I think I may like the Ron & Hermione thing, at th beginning I was like no she belongs with Harry but I think i just changed my mind.

Makeup Smeared Eyes- Automatic Loveletter
Pyramid- Charice
I Never Told You- Colbie Caillat
September- Daughtry
Crazy For This Girl- Evan & Jaron
Miles Don't Mean Anything- Eye Alaska
Wouldn't Change A Thing- Joe Jonas & Demi Lovato
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