I haven't written in a while, but I feel like there hasn't been a ton to update. I went to Chicago this past weekend for Aliisa's lacrosse tournament. The hotel was really nice, it was super modern, and had amazing sandwiches. lol. It was super duper hot out though, we carried umbrellas for shade, and I still managed to get a flip flop tan. I am definitely laying out on the dock when I go to Michigan next week, I need to fix these awful tan lines. Knowing my luck it probably won't be sunny, then I guess I will just have to spend some time at the new super huge Forever 21 :) I can't believe summer is almost over I only have three weeks left, this sucksss. But the first week of school is always easy, and I'm taking that friday off to go to Pennsylvania for a college visit, and probably go homecoming dress shopping. I'm excited for that. Tomorrow I have a college visit at Notre Dame, that should be fun too, I like college visits, and getting free t-shirts. Speaking of which some college sent me a tshirt in the mail, you know how they compress washcloths well they did that with a shirt!!! haha, it was pretty sweet too bad they don't have a lacrosse team. Yesterday my mom bought me a new ihome it changes colors, it will be cool for college, which I so wish I was going to now and not in a year, I already want to buy dorm stuff, haha, but I haven't cause I know I should save it for once I graduate. Today for lunch I had a tv dinner by lean cuisine it was chicken parmesan, I think lean cuisine meals are my new obsession it was sooo good and only 310 calories, not like I actually count calories, but yeah haha. Kiira yesterday got an ipod, yepp three years old and has an ipod what has this world come to, lol. It was actually Aliisa's old one and it's pink and Kiira loves singing she walks around the house singing all the time, so whatever, even though that is ten years before I got mine unfair. Hmm.. oh one last thing, I watched a video of What Happened In Vegas from Warped Tour today and holy crap they have a ton of fan girls now, and they sounded a lot better, you can actually tell what Aaron is singing. Once I can go to concerts again maybe I'll go see them it's been a while. hahahahahaha Stiina's phone just made it sound like there was a pond in our living room, who uses that as a ringtone???
I think we should spend the rest of summer here.
smores sound good, I think next week we are having a lake party/bonfire :)
I want to make cookies, too bad I'm afraid of the oven.
I remember in elementary school we had an assembly for Martin Luther King day and we all sat like this.

I Love Your Existence- Goot
Baby Girl This Is A Stick Up- The Bay State
This Is Love (I'm Yours Now)- Annasay
I Love You 5- Nevershoutnever
The Couplet- Kill Paradise
Laughing With- Regina Spektor
Coastal Cities- The Secret Handshake
This Is Me (acoustic)- Demi Lovato
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