This weekend was homecoming. Friday I got my phone call from Brendan James. He is sooo nice, we just talked about our days and he asked a little bit about my life as a high school student and he told me a little about his. And we talked a little about college. It felt like talking to a friend, it was nice. I really want to go see him in Columbus, but it's on a freaking school day, fml. So then I went to the football game. It was alright, some girls at our school are complete bitches, just cause you are a senior doesn't mean you can be such a witch. Like really don't think so highly of yourself and yell at people just because you feel like it. Gosh high school is sooo dumb, I've had four years and I've had enough. And moving didn't really help this, cause its kind of like reliving the first two years over again, it's not always fun. I cannot wait for college. Which speaking of which I've narrowed down to about two :) I can't wait till I sign and don't have to worry. So then yesterday I went to help at this free fair at a church for NHS. I probably had more fun volunteering at that then at homecoming. Homecoming I loved wearing my dress, and heels and looking pretty. and finally getting to wear my leather jacket, but the actual dance, ehh. I feel like I would've had more fun with the people I kind of ditched, and I feel awful about it, cause now I realize I probably would've had more fun with them. It shouldn't matter what other people think cause they've always been my friends when I moved here and didn't know anyone. Climbing a social ladder is not something to be proud of, or what I want to do. And grinding I find disgusting, unless you really like the person, I'm sorry but some sweaty guy you don't know dancing on you, yeah doesn't sound fun. Sorry practically everyone in Perrysburg but that's not something I'd do, but whatever. I guess I just have higher than average standards.
I love her shirt, but she needs longer shorts.
I want a cinderella story.
I want to use one of these bottles as a vase now :)
aww how fricken adorable, I miss the little first graders.
I loved this show!!!
that's the coolest staircase ever.
I want to go swimming.
I love this outfit.
Dream Come True- The Goodnight Dream
Loss For Words- Jake Germany
Up In The Stars- Swimming With Dolphins
Not A Thing- Goodnight Fellows
Goodbye- Ke$ha
Little Razorblade- The Pink Spiders
Rich Girls- The Virgins
Complete Relinquish, Utter Abandon- A Thousand Times Repent
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