Procrastinating...what's new? haha. But I don't really have much homework just English. Which we taught our chapters for English today and I think it went pretty good, I have to grade the quizzes though tonight. And I think the spiderman pinata went over pretty well haha. And I had a quiz in math so I don't have math homework :) but I had work out at the Y today and my knee was already sore from my knee yesterday so that was fun. Tomorrow should be even more fun. But tonight is amazing night of tv Bachelor and Pretty Little Liars and Greek!!!!
Logan <3
Like Hollister Cologne that stuff is heaven, and smelling like smoke isn't attractive...
All Time Low :)
I hate those rides.

I've never seen this picture of them.
I must enjoy staring at sexy musicians today, haha.
I love the movie miracle.
Summer Sweetness- Hello Hollywood
Wait For You- Kyla
Forever In A Day- Ten Falls Forth
Tell Me- The Elliott Project
Something Bout Love- David Archuleta
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