This weekend was amazing, and I can't fall asleep I'm not even close to being tired. Looks like it will be one sucky monday at least I have a game and treat bag to look forward to. But not looking forward to the french quiz I have yet to study for or all the homework I'm going to have. So let's see saturday I watched 10 Things I Hate About You the movie which I absolutely loved and they made the series based off of it freakishly similar. Then I went to the AP tour concert which was the last show of the tour. So they played a bunch of pranks it was funny most of them were on The Summer Set, they put powder all over the drums put liquor in their water bottles, talked in the speakers while they were playing, and took the seats from their van and put them on stage, it was hilarious. I am pretty much in love with the Summer Set. Then Every Avenue played, and he made lots of dirty jokes and drinking jokes, apparently some parents got mad and wanted refunds, there were lots of helicopter parents at the concert lol. Next was The Cab and they were pretty good, for some reason I thought the lead singer happened to look a lot like Robert Pattinson, don't ask why he just did I think it was his knit hat. Then Hey Monday played, they are simply amazing end of story there is no other way to put it. I'd say me and Amanda rocked out hardest during their set, it was fun. Then being the last night of tour there was a special guest, The Maine well just the singer and guitarist who did an acoustic set which was great. Finally was Nevershoutnever and I'd have to say he was my least favorite even though he was the headliner, I like his music but I just like the other type of bands more, he doesn't fit with them all that well. Anyways if you haven't figured it out already it was the most fun I've had in a while.
Today was Mother's Day we went and ate brunch at a golf course with my grandparents who came down to visit. It was delicious by the way. So now my grandma is staying the night, and then they are going to my lacrosse game tomorrow. But other than that I didn't do much today except stalk people's prom pictures. Which yeah it looked a lot of fun but I think the concert was more fun, and there's always senior prom, which not going this year I think one saved me a lot of money and two will make next year's a lot more memorable. besides this year there wasn't anyone I really wanted to go with, well I thought maybe some people, but I think if I went with anyone I've liked this year it would've been awkward, I think I need someone who's a lot different from them. And I am very glad I realized this without having to experience any of that. I feel like I'm talking half in code and half in an extremely obvious sort of way, so I think I should just shut up and try to sleep. But I am so not tired since I got home at two and slept till almost noon, haha.
This reminded me that Wonka was a sponsor of the tour so we got a bunch of free candy yummy. Kazoozles are the best go get some now!!
I don't ever recall seeing a baby zebra.
I adore converse but no matter how many people wear them to concerts they are only like a step better than flip flops, not the best choice.

Punch Drunk Love- The Summer Set
Young- The Summer Set
For Always, Forever- Every Avenue
Days Of The Old- Every Avenue
Secrets- One Republic
My First Kiss- 3OH!3
Secrets- One Republic
My First Kiss- 3OH!3
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