Tuesday, May 4, 2010

One more year, and I'll be heading out on my own, leaving friends and the place that I call home

Went and saw Lake Erie College today and I loved it, can't say I for sure want to go there since it is the first college visit but I definitely liked it there.  And I met the lacrosse coach there and some of the girls and they seemed really nice. The college is only about a half hour from Cleveland which is nice and it's not super big, which I like.  There was a lot I liked about it but I still have quite a few more colleges to look at. And just like I predicted I took all my homework but didn't do any of it so I should definitely get on that.

Fruit loops sounds good right now.

I'm not sure what this is but it looks a lot better than those fruit loops.

Chocolate in general looks really good, I want the chocolate bar they gave me but no I have to wait to show it to my dad grrr.

Saviour- Lights
Homecoming- Hey Monday
Look Out Below (This Love)- Holiday Parade
Think Of You Later (Empty Room)- Every Avenue
I'd Rather Be With You- Joshua Radin
All Those Nights- Chase Coy