I am the oldest of four, I have three younger sisters. I sometimes wish I had a brother but another sibling and I would probably go crazy. They are each annoying at times but they have their good moments too.
I remember when we were little people would think me and Aliisa were twins. I am two years years older (she is turning 16) though but because we are only two years apart we have always been really close. We do fight a lot but without her I wouldn't have someone who was always there and understands me as much as she does. I wouldn't have some one to talk to every night or watch movies with, my life would not be the same. I am going to miss her so much next year.
Stiina is seven years younger than me and is currently 10. She can be really annoying but who isn't at that age. She says the weirdest things , you never know what will come out of her mouth next. Sometimes it's funny sometimes it will embarrass you, I think her filter is still developing lol. But we definitely have our bonding moments. but she is just kind of at that awkward age it's just easier to stay at a little of a distance. Anyways life would be som much more dull without her. I will miss all her weird comments next year.
Kiira and I are almost 14 years apart. When she was a toddler I actually had a few people think she was my daughter, lol. She is the coolest four year old I know. I am convinced she is going to be the next Taylor Swift. She will sing and try to play her little pink guitar, and shes always dancing. It is really adorable she knows all the words to every song on the radio. And she is super smart and funny and all my friends are obsessed with her. She could make anyones day a zillion times better. I am going to miss her so much, she grows so fast and I'm sad I won't be around as much to see it. Oh and she is also going to be playing Division 1 lacrosse one day she is already really good, haha watch out world Kiira will be taking over.
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