So I don't know who all reads my blog but I didn't want to leave anyone out just in case, so if not all of these people read it oh well.
Amanda: We've been best friends since 8th grade and we may have our fights, but all best friends have their share of disagreements. We might not completely understand everything about each other, like you and your 18 kids, but we accept it, and that's what matters. And next year we will be even farther away but I promise we will keep in touch. You better make plenty of time for skyping :) I will want to hear all about your crazy big school spartan stories!! And we will definitely go to some concerts in the summer or on breaks, btw I am in love with the new A Rocket to the Moon stuff, thanks!!!!
Kristen: You are the one and only reason I go to all the youth group events. I wish we got to see each other more, but next year it will be even less :( I can't believe this will be our last year at the gathering, we will definitely make it one we won't forget. Thanks for always being so kind and for all the advice, you better always stay in touch,
Danielle: We definitely need to hangout more, but you never can. :( I miss all our days passing notes in seminar. And remember even though I am going to be even farther away I am always one text or phone call away, and I will always listen if you need advice or just someone to vent to.
We don't have a picture?! this needs to change
Dominique: It's weird how much you understand how I feel about all the moving stuff. But thanks for everything so far this year, I would seriously not be making it through senior year without you.
Tylar: I wish I still got to see you, and we hungout more. But thanks for everything when I moved here and last year. Without you I probably would've went home crying everyday about not having any friends. So thank you, lol.
Aliisa: So some days I hate you and some days I love you but your my sister and in a way I think a sister is one of the best best friends you'll ever get. And you understand me in ways others never will, it's like one of those weird connections almost like twins have but not quite, haha. Anyways I can never stay mad at you cause I'm stuck with you lol, but I am definitely going to miss you more than anybody when I leave for college. Don't get in too much trouble when I leave haha.
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